Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ice Cream and more for $5.32

Here is my quick shopping trip this morning with my newspaper included to get the Publix Mystery coupon (4 pack of Green Wise double roll toilet paper) for $ .01. The ice creams were BOGO and with coupons 2 were $ .40 and 2 were $1.40 each. The Honest Organic Tea was in the produce department/fresh juice area on sale fro $1.25 and had coupons on the display for $.50 (that we know double at Publix to $1.00) making them $.25 each. I took a few extra coupons to get more this week if they turn out to be something we enjoy. I was real happy with how I was able to spend my $5.32. The retail cost would of been $22 if I purchased the items not on sale and with out coupons. How was your shopping trip?

1 comment:

  1. Rich C. KennesawTuesday, 31 August, 2010

    Gotta love it! You are awesome!
